Most international online SLAA Groups use WhatsApp Chat Groups for their Members to engage in fellowship, support and outreach between Meetings.
Groups can share their WhatsApp Details on this Page if they wish by sending a request to It is not a requirement to register your WAG with FWS or SLAAvirtual.
- Newcomers
- Outreach Groups
- Topic Groups
- Finding a Sponsor/Sponsee
- Countries/States
- Meeting Groups
- SLAAdies HOW Step Group
- We Recover Together in SLAA daily meeting
- SLAA International Womens Meeting
- SLAA Co-Sponsor Workshop
- Recovery in Relationships Group (All Gender)
- Atlantic Anorexia Steps
- US/Europe Mon Anorexia Step Group (all Gender)
- US, Asia, Western Australia Tues Anorexia Step Group
- UK Wed SLAA Anorexia Step Study Group (All Gender)
- AUS Mon SLAA Anorexia Step Study Group (All Gender)
- SLAA 5 S’ and Miracles (Women Only)
- Co(le)SLAA Co-Ed SLAA Whatsapp Group
- Events
- Special Interest Groups
- Service Support
- SLAAvirtual Anorexia Dating
- SLAA Meeting Speakers
- SLAA H&I Advisory Group
- SERVICE Mom’s SLAA Meeting
- SERVICE Fantasy Addiction
- SERVICE 4 BPD Members Meeting
- SLAA Intergroups Chat
- SLAAvirtual Intergroup Chat
- SLAAvirtual Intergroup Agenda
- SLAAvirtual Retreat Ctee
- SLAA WhatsApp Links
- SLAA WhatsApp Group Admins
SLAAvirtual Helpline
SLAAvirtual’s Outreach Group welcomes newcomers to SLAA and helps you find online Meetings, Literature, Outreach and Sponsorship.
Please introduce yourself with a little background (first name only – an alias is fine too – gender, location, and how we can help you today. Our friendly Outreach Team will do our best to help you connect with Members and Groups to get you started.
To join this Group join the SLAAvirtual Helpline on WhatsApp using this link, let us know what you need and exit again as soon as you have been assisted.
SLAA Meetings (all gender)
Announce your SLAA meetings here. Coed group. Guard the anonymity and safety of our fellows by sharing this group link with only safe people.
This is a chat only to announce SLAA meetings please. So that when we get a notification from this chat, it means there’s a meeting we can go to. If you need support, please reach out to your fellows or get to a SLAA meeting.
To join this Group join the SLAAvirtual Helpline on WhatsApp using this link, request to be joined and exit again as soon as you have been assisted.
SLAA Prayer/Meditation
Prayer and Meditation Group open to all SLAA Members worldwide
Link to SLAA Prayers:
We share our personal experience and resources using Prayer and Meditation as tools of Recovery
Non-SLAA literature can be posted if you personally use it to recover in SLAA.
Please only post Meetings for Prayer and Meditation (Step 11).
To join this Group join the SLAAvirtual Helpline on WhatsApp using this link, request to be joined and exit again as soon as you have been assisted.
Outreach Groups
SLAA Brothers OR only
Mens outreach requests/offers only.
To join contact the Helpline.
Womens SLAA Outreach Call
If you’re new to SLAA, Welcome 😊👋🏼 And welcome to this group🌹🌸🙏🏼
This is a safe space for SLAA members, who identify as women, located around the world to connect with one another by scheduling outreach calls.
OR = outreach
FB = feedback (reflection and/or identification, but not advice-giving)
no FB = no feedback (no reflection and/or identification, simply time-limited sharing)
To join contact the Helpline.
SLAA Women Anorexia OR
Group for women identifying as anorexic and/or avoidant (defined by SLAA criteria) to request general and anorexia-focused outreach. Misuse of the group will not be tolerated.
Members are encouraged to invite other SLAA members who may benefit to this group.
To join contact the Helpline.
Topic Groups
Sober Dating Workshop
Suggested only for members who are up to Step 6 in a SLAA Conference Approved Step Program.
A group for members of any SLAA Recovery Program who are dating, considering dating or supporting others dating in SLAA recovery to reach for the supportive fellowship of SLAA through meeting information, requesting outreach and sharing resources we find helpful in our recovery.
PLEASE GO TO GROUP DETAILS AND MUTE NOTIFICATIONS – this is a very busy Group and WhatsApp can be very disruptive.
A space for women, femmes, and non-binary SLAA fellows to discuss aspects of love addiction, offer ESH, seek outreach, and share love addiction focused meetings.
◌ We encourage you to introduce yourself with your name, recovery area, and pronouns
◌ Please adhere to the 12 traditions. We do not promote outside organizations.
◌ Anyone disrupting the space may be temporarily removed to cool down
◌ Do not PM fellows without consent
NOTE: this Group is also a registered with FWS as a 24/7 non real time meeting.
To join this Group join the SLAAvirtual Helpline on WhatsApp using this link, request to be joined and exit again as soon as you have been assisted.
Coed SLAA love addicts
A space welcoming SLAA fellows of all genders or none to discuss aspects of love addiction, offer ESH, seek outreach, and share love addiction focused meetings.
◌ We encourage you to introduce yourself with your name, recovery area, and pronouns
◌ Please adhere to the 12 traditions. We do not promote outside organizations.
◌ Anyone disrupting the space may be temporarily removed to cool down
◌ Do not PM fellows without consent
To join this Group join the SLAAvirtual Helpline on WhatsApp using this link, request to be joined and exit again as soon as you have been assisted.
SLAA Love Addiction focus
No breaking anyone’s anonymity please .
Be kind and respectful to everyone 🦋🤍
This is a page for only sharing SLAA shares . Sharing your ESH is great and okay to do . Even just sharing about your issues with sober dating or steps . Please do not use the traditions and steps against one another this is just an outreach group not a SLAA meeting if this isn’t going to work for you feel free to find a better group that fits ❤️
By invitation only. Group is close to full.
SLAA Healthy Relationships
This Group shares Experience, Strength and Hope in developing Healthy Relationships with oneself, others and one’s Higher Power.
Please share SLAA resources and material that helped you recover from your sex and love addiction and share about your own recovery and not about anyone else.
To join this Group join the SLAAvirtual Helpline on WhatsApp using this link, request to be joined and exit again as soon as you have been assisted.
SLAA Anorexia Group
A group for members of the SLAA Anorexia Recovery Program to reach for the supportive fellowship of SLAA through meeting information, requesting outreach and sharing resources we find helpful in our recovery.
PLEASE GO TO GROUP DETAILS AND MUTE NOTIFICATIONS – this is a very busy Group and WhatsApp can be very disruptive.
To join this Group join the SLAAvirtual Helpline on WhatsApp using this link, request to be joined and exit again as soon as you have been assisted.
SLAA Sponsor Advice (Women Only)
This a Women’s only SLAA group for advice on how to Sponsor your sponsees.
ONLY open to women who are actively sponsoring others:
SLAA suggests the most important thing every Sponsor have is their own Sponsor, but not everyone is lucky enough to live in a city with lots of available Sponsors with SLAA based experience.
This Group is a way to “group source” suggestions.
We share our experience, strength and hope to help each other guide our sponsees through challenges and step work. We share are successes. There is no one right way to sponsor. Please respect each other’s experience. Take what you like and leave the rest.
Before joining see this webpage of Suggestions How to Sponsor in SLAA to see if your Question has already been sufficiently answered.
This is not a group to find a sponsor. See the next heading below for those links.
Committed Partners (WO)
This is a group for women & non-binary individuals in the SLAA program who are in committed relationships that they are attempting to build/rebuild. You can share ESH, request out reach, or share inspirational readings, quotes, and memes. This group is NOT a space to complain about your partner. It IS a space where we can support each other in the work of keeping our side of the street clean while also building intimacy in our relationships.
Join the Helpline to apply to join the Group.
SLAA Fantasy Addiction
A fellowship-wide Group for recovery from Fantasy Addiction in SLAA. To
• share our experience strength and hope,
• request outreach
• share Recovery Meetings around the world,
• start Meetings where they are needed and
• develop new literature for Fantasy Addicts.
Group holds meetings by Zoom on request by any member to make decisions in Group Conscience.
SLAA Only. Please respect our boundaries.
To join this Group join the SLAAvirtual Helpline on WhatsApp using this link, request to be joined and exit again as soon as you have been assisted.
SLAA BDSM Addiction Group
SLAA group for recovery from BDSM Addiction (all gender) to
• share our experience strength & hope
• request outreach
• share Meeting details
• start new Meetings
• develop new literature
To join:
SLAA Boundaries Group
A fellowship-wide group on the topic of Boundaries as a tool of recovery in SLAA
SLAA only (all genders)
Please respect our boundaries. We:
• share our experience strength and hope,
• request outreach
• share Meetings about Boundaries around the world,
• start Meetings where they are needed and
• develop new SLAA literature about Setting Boundaries
To join this Group join the SLAAvirtual Helpline on WhatsApp using this link, request to be joined and exit again as soon as you have been assisted.
SLAA & Trauma Recovery
Group of SLAA members working together to develop a new meeting format for SLAA to heal our sex and love addiction and the underlying trauma concurrently.
Please be sensitive and respectful. May this be a safe place for all. Let us be kind to each other.
We are deeply grateful for your Service.
Welcomes members who also work as treating professionals in both trauma and addiction and wish to contribute to the Solution in their capacity as SLAA members.
By invitation only.
Finding a Sponsor/Sponsee
SLAA Sponsorship Women
This is a Women’s only sponsorship group. If you are looking for a sponsor please write specifically what you are looking for. If you are a Sponsor please write what literature you are using for step work and how long you have been sober. Once you find a sponsee/sponsor please exit the group and let us know you found someone. Only posts about finding a sponsor/sponsee in this group. ❤
To join this Group join the SLAAvirtual Helpline on WhatsApp using this link, request to be joined and exit again as soon as you have been assisted.
SLAA Anorexia Sponsor Group (Co-ed)
A space for SLAA Anorexics seeking a sponsee or sponsor for the 12 Steps of SLAA Anorexia program. Please post your location, gender & the Step you are on whn you join. Please don’t share meeting or other info here, so this Group stays fit for purpose.
To join this Group join the SLAAvirtual Helpline on WhatsApp using this link, request to be joined and exit again as soon as you have been assisted.
Sponsorship Connection
Outside Resource
A listing of available sponsors and sponsees for SLAA Members working multiple programs. Largely Big Book (AA) literature is used not the SLAA Conference Approved Step Programs (above), but some SLAA Sponsors are available.
Contact SLAAvirtual and we can put you in touch with the Sponsorship Connection Administrators
SLAA in French
In French – LGBTQIA+ SLAA 🏳️🌈🌟 🏳️⚧️🦄
The group is exclusively for SLAA members who identify as LGBTQIA+ in order to be able to share in French our experience, strength and hope in the development of healthy relationships with oneself, others and one’s higher power.
A bientôt: Invitation link: WhatsApp Group Invite
The UAE Fellowship joined SLAAvirtual. To contact their Representative email with your request.
SLAA Egypt
A Group for Egyptian SLAA members all over the World – ALL GENDER AND ORIENTATION WELCOME. Please respect our boundaries: WhatsApp Group Suggestions
• share our experience strength and hope,
• request Outreach and Sponsorship
• share Meetings & Events around the world,
• start Meetings where they are needed and
• create resources for Egyptian Members
To invite others:
Meeting Groups
SLAAdies HOW Step Group
Women’s Daily HOW Co-Sponsorship group.
We swap answers daily in HOW Program.
30min daily 7am AEST weekdays. 9am AEST on weekends
What is HOW?
Ask the Helpline to put you in touch with Group Leaders to be invited to join the next Round of the HOW 30 Questions in 30 days.
We Recover Together in SLAA daily meeting
General Recovery and Support Chat for members between Meetings
- Please be kind & adhere to the 12 Traditions.
- Anyone being unsupportive may be temporarily removed to cool down.
• Every Day of the Week
• 8 pm UK Time
• ID: 8505 911 0414
• PW: 1
Camera on only meeting
SLAA International Womens Meeting
Also known as Les Femmes con Corozon
WhatsApp Group for members of the SLAA International Women’s Meeting (weekly speaker meeting). To join attend the Group’s meetings and request their joining link:

SLAA Co-Sponsor Workshop
WhatsApp Group for members of this SLAA Step Workshop (weekly) working the SLAA Step Workbook
To join attend the Group’s meetings and request their joining link:

Recovery in Relationships Group (All Gender)
All SLAA members who are in committed relationships or attempting to build/rebuild one welcome.
You can share your ESH, request outreach, promote SLAA Meetings and or share SLAA related resources.
This group is NOT a space to complain about your partner. We use this chat group to support one another between meetings and hold out the hand of SLAA to the newcomer while also building intimacy in our relationships.
To join this Group join the SLAAvirtual Helpline on WhatsApp using this link, request to be joined and exit again as soon as you have been assisted.
Atlantic Anorexia Steps
Tuesday 1pm PT / 4pm ET / 9pm GMT/ Wednesday 8am AEDT
This is a 1-year Step Study to work the SLAA Anorexia Steps, meeting once a week!
Each set of Step questions gets divided into 4, and we do 1 of the four questions each week of the month. However we take 2 months for Step 4, covering one inventory per week.
US/Europe Mon Anorexia Step Group (all Gender)
WhatsApp Group for members of the weekly meeting held every Monday 4pm Eastern Time (US). Commencing Step 1 first week of October, doing 12 steps over 12 months.
US, Asia, Western Australia Tues Anorexia Step Group
WhatsApp Group for members of the weekly meeting held every Tuesday 8pm Eastern Time (US). Commencing Step 1 first week of October, doing 12 steps over 12 months.
UK Wed SLAA Anorexia Step Study Group (All Gender)
WhatsApp Group for members of the weekly meeting every Wednesday 7pm London Time.
The only requirement to join the Step Study meeting is a desire to stop living out a pattern of sex and love addiction. This group is fully self-supporting declining outside contributions. Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.
This Meeting is now closed to new members.
AUS Mon SLAA Anorexia Step Study Group (All Gender)
Commencing Monday 12 July.
Now joining members. Members working the SLAA Anorexia Steps together. Working Steps 1 to 12 over July 2021 to June 2022.
LINK to join 7PM AEST Mondays for 1 hour
To join this Group join the SLAAvirtual Helpline on WhatsApp using this link, request to be joined and exit again as soon as you have been assisted.
SLAA 5 S’ and Miracles (Women Only)
SLAA group chat to focus on the 5 S’s Sobriety, Steps, Service, Sponsorship and Spirituality. We focus on sharing our experience strength and hope.
This is a Solution based, positive group. We celebrate Monthly Sobriety and Steps with a Virtual Token.
To request to join, email with Miracles in the heading
Co(le)SLAA Co-Ed SLAA Whatsapp Group
Welcome to Co(le)SLAA! This is a Co-ed SLAA WhatsApp group for sharing experience, strength, hope, meetings, and SLAA related content.
Our weekly meeting is Thursdays 8pm PST. Zoom room available for pop up meetings at any time.
SLAA Workshops & Events
This group is strictly for posting SLAA Workshop information. Please make sure day/time, Zoom Login info, whether it is women’s, men’s or Coed. This group is Coed.
SLAA Step Studies
Welcome to SLAA Step Studies
This group is strictly to post SLAA Step Studies you know of. We are helping those in between sponsors work the steps or anyone that wants to. Please put time date, requirements to join.
Any questions ask Renee in the Group ❤
Contact SLAAvirtual and we can put you in contact with the Group Administrators
Special Interest Groups
SLAA Women’s WhatsApp 🤍✨
No breaking anyone’s anonymity please .
Be kind and respectful to everyone 🦋
This is a page for only sharing SLAA shares . Sharing your ESH is great and okay to do . Even just sharing about your issues with sober dating or steps .
Please do not use the traditions and steps against one another this is just an outreach group not a SLAA meeting if this isn’t going to work for you feel free to find a better group that fits ❤️
Contact the Helpline to apply to join.
SLAA Women’s Share
For fellowship, sharing SLAA resources and list of recommended womens meetings
By invitation only. The Helpline can introduce you to the Admins or help you create a similar group for your area.
SLAA Dating in Recovery
We share SLAA Sober dating resources such as dating plans, Healthy Relationship Pamphlet and Journals, SLAA podcasts
We share our experience, strength and hope as SLAA Members and are respectful and supportive of each other
Please focus on the solution. Please ask the Helpline if you wish to join.
SLAA Sign Posts of Dating
Welcome 💗 This group is Coed. This group focuses on the Sign posts of Recovery in the back of Chapter 5 Withdrawal Slaa Basic Text. It talks about becoming a whole person before dating.
- Being ok in solitude
- Not caring when and if you will be in a relationship
- Removing yourself from toxic relationships and friends/ creating new friendships
- Having hobbies
- Having passion in career
- A new relationship may develop
This group focuses on SLAA Dating Plan and resources. Must be cleared by sponsor to date.
To join this Group join the SLAAvirtual Helpline on WhatsApp using this link, request to be joined and exit again as soon as you have been assisted.
Bookending for Recovery in SLAA
Link :
The WAG is based on the idea that for people with ADD/ADHD it may be difficult to get through tasks that seem easy for others.
“The idea is that when someone else knows what we are doing and what we don’t want to do, we are not alone to face our demons; rather, we can feel both an additional sense of support and an increased degree of accountability for our behaviors when we share and follow up with others”
This could potentially reduce the fall out rate by 3% in the fellowship considering an average of 4.4 percent of the adult population may have ADHD.
Withdrawal (Women Only)
A safe place for women in SLAA who are in Withdrawal. There is support here. No mention of specific therapies or outside issues. Read Chapter 5 everyday out of the SLAA Basic Text. We suggest extreme Self Care and Compassion. We maintain no contact with qualifiers. We engage in Recovery by focusing on the 5 S’s steps, spirituality, sponsorship, sobriety and service.
Group 1: FULL
Group 2: accepting new members. To join this Group join the SLAAvirtual Helpline on WhatsApp using this link, request to be joined and exit again as soon as you have been assisted.
SLAA Withdrawal CoEd
This group is a safe place for members in Withdrawal. There is support here. No mention of specific therapies. outside issues or organizations. No graphic language. Read Ch 5 everyday of the SLAA Basic Text. We suggest extreme Self Care & Compassion. We maintain no contact with Qualifiers & focus on the solution: 5 S’s steps, spirituality, sponsorship, sobriety & service.
To join this Group join the SLAAvirtual Helpline on WhatsApp using this link, request to be joined and exit again as soon as you have been assisted.
This group is for women who have Borderline Personality and Sex and Love Addiction.
We share about what isn’t working and then share what you’re doing to take care of self
What DBT skills are you going to use? Have you contacted your sponsor? What is working?
We share our Experience Strength and hope. The 5 S’s – are the 5 simple tools we use to receive the Miracle of recovery: Sobriety, Steps, Sponsorship, Service and Spirituality
To get the link to the SLAA BPD Whatsapp group please email
CPTSD SLAA Womens Group
This is a Women’s only support group to share tools and resources such as Pete Walker Complex PTSD Book Titled Surviving to Thriving and other related books.
Addresses multiple addictions as a result of CPTSD food addiction, spending addiction, sex addiction, love addiction etc.
Please use a Trigger Warning TW for suicide, rape etc.
Solution Based ESH
Suggest to talk to a therapist
Using the 12 steps to arrest addictions
No feedback unless asked
To apply to join this group email with “CPTSD WO” in the heading.
SLAA Parents in Recovery
Welcoming all Moms and Dads in Recovery in SLAA. A place to share in fellowship, meet others in the same lifeboat (with kids big and small!), find outreach, share news and recommend SLAA meetings for Parents.
Chance to share our Higher Power’s healing love. ❤️❤️❤️
And together smash the cycle of intergenerational addiction. Our children will not suffer as we have 😀😀😀
To join this Group join the SLAAvirtual Helpline on WhatsApp using this link, request to be joined and exit again as soon as you have been assisted.
SLAA Moms Serenity
This Group Chat is for all moms in SLAA to have a place to talk about recovery and the struggles of parenting while in SLAA. Sharing our experience, strength, and hope as it pertains to being a mom in SLAA
…How our addiction affected our children and how our recovery is helping them and healing our relationships with them.
Ever reminding each other that, as we heal, our children heal. 💗🙏🏼😊
To join this Group join the SLAAvirtual Helpline on WhatsApp using this link, request to be joined and exit again as soon as you have been assisted.
Porn, Fantasy, Anorexia
SLAA group offering members support for intimacy avoidance plus fantasy and porn addiction.
Service Support
SLAAvirtual Anorexia Dating
A place to discuss our Intergroup’s new Anorexia Dating Project
Repository for all SLAA Literature on the subject
SLAA Meeting Speakers
A Group for members who are willing to do Service as Meeting Speakers and members recruiting Speakers for their Meeting(s). Open to volunteers willing to share as lead speaker and trusted servants seeking speakers.
SLAA H&I Advisory Group
Invites all Members who are Recovery Professionals to this closed Group to
👩❤️👨 build informal connection in the Recovery Community of SLAA
💡Discuss and share outreach ideas with our Conference H&I Subcommittee
🗣️Provide our CHIS with feedback & information to improve their Service to SLAA as a whole
Our Group is Voluntary, Autonomous & Self Governing as per the Traditions & Concepts of SLAA
Membership is only
⭐ professionals who treat addiction & identify as SLAA Members
🙏Current appointees to the CHIS
SERVICE Mom’s SLAA Meeting
WhatsApp Chat Group for members of the Moms healing in SLAA Group that do Service for that SLAA Group and/or any of its SLAA Moms Serenity Meetings.
SERVICE Fantasy Addiction
Group for members of the SLAA Fantasy Addiction Recovery Group that do Service for that SLAA Group and/or any of its Meetings.
Group of SLAA members working together to develop a new meeting format for SLAA to heal our sex and love addiction and the underlying trauma concurrently.
Please be sensitive and respectful. May this be a safe place for all. Let us be kind to each other.
We are deeply grateful for your Service.
Welcomes members who also work as treating professionals in both trauma and addiction and wish to contribute to the Solution in their capacity as SLAA members.
By invitation only.
SERVICE 4 BPD Members Meeting
Group working together to start the first ever SLAA Meeting for members with BPD. Open to members of any gender anywhere in the world. Please be sensitive and respectful. May this be a safe place for us all. Let us be kind to each other. We are deeply grateful for your Service xxx
SLAA Intergroups Chat
An online platform for those serving at SLAA Intergroup level as a way to meet and support one another in Service work.
IF you are an elected Representative of any SLAA Group to your local Intergroup or one of the international Intergroups (, or WANA), you are welcome to join our WhatsApp Group for Intergroup members to share ideas and support.
Just email the CPIC at with your preferred name, contact email, Group you represent and Intergroup you serve.
No curious outsiders please. This is a Group for those doing Service in SLAA as our elected trusted leaders xx
SLAAvirtual Intergroup Chat
- A chat group for all internal Intergroup Business between the Representatives elected to the SLAAvirtual Intergroup.
- Note there are separate WAGs for Business (Agenda and Minutes), Literature Committee, Retreats and outreach by SVIG
- To be invited to these WAGs you must be the elected Representative of a member Group of SLAAvirtual or have been elected to a Service Position on the SLAAvirtual Intergroup.
SLAAvirtual Intergroup Agenda
Please recall that
This WAG is not for discussions.
It is only for:
- Your proposals for the Virtual Intergroup agenda.
- Possible amendments to any proposals.
- The agenda prior to the meeting.
- The minutes of the previous meeting.
To join you must be a current elected Representative of an international online SLAA Group that is a member of the SLAAvirtual Intergroup.
SLAAvirtual Retreat Ctee
A group created to organise SLAAvirtual Retreats. Contact the SLAA Helpline to volunteer to help.
SLAA WhatsApp Links
A group created as a repository for volunteers doing Service on the SLAA Helpline to store meeting and Group links.
SLAA WhatsApp Group Admins
A Group for all SLAA Members doing service as Admins in WhatsApp. To share tips and information. Priority is sharing ideas that work to keep all our Groups safe.
Opt out any time. Add any fellow Admins who want to join.
To join you must be an Admin chosen by your Group.
To apply to join, email our Intergroup: with “WAG Admins” in the heading.
Can a WhatsApp Group register with SLAA?
Any two or more persons gathered together for mutual aid in
SLAA Tradition 3
recovering from sex and love addiction may call themselves an S.L.A.A. group, provided that as a group they have no other affiliation.
FWS accepts WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal and many other online chats as eligible platforms when members decide to register as a new Group.
The expressions “Group” and “Meeting” are often used interchangeably in 12 Step, but the Traditions themselves define that it is Groups, not Meetings, that are eligible to form part of SLAA.
We suggest when registering to describe the Chat Group as a 24/7 seven day a week chatgroup meeting.
Any Group that is registered with FWS as a Group is eligible to join as a Member of the SLAAvirtual Intergroup. Here is the link to Register your Group, if your online Group votes in Group Conscience to register as a Group with SLAA.
Voting on the SLAAvirtual Intergroup and for a Delegate to Conference is one vote per Group, not one vote per Meeting, so keep that in mind when you register with FWS.
Which Groups should not register with SLAA FWS?
Any online SLAA group or meeting should only register as a SLAA Group if it subscribes to the 12 Traditions of SLAA (see below). Registration is a decision made by FWS. See for more information.
SLAAvirtual Intergroup does not list:
- Face-to-face SLAA meetings (visit the SLAA Meeting Finder)
- Digital recording, “daily reading,” or “social networking” sites or blogs
- Non-SLAA web sites, groups or email lists, but SLAA Groups can use hosting services from providers like WhatsApp, Zoom and Google.
- Meetings that appear to be conducted by an organization or by individuals who are not SLAA members.
- Groups or meetings calling themselves “SLAA” but that participate in “affiliate programs”; that is, they receive income from ad placement (or from any non-SLAA source).
How do SLAA’s Traditions apply to Groups?
An overview of how the Traditions apply to SLAA groups, in brief:
- all group members are sex and love addicts (or have a desire to stop living out a pattern of sex and love addiction)
- the group is fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions
- the group has no other affiliation
- the group does not endorse outside enterprises
- the group has no opinion on outside issues
- the group maintains the anonymity of its members (no full names or photos of members in public view)
How do I create a WhatsApp Group?
See the Suggestions How To Create a WhatsApp Group
Suggestions for SLAA WhatsApp Groups
SLAAvirtual Intergroup has compiled a list of suggestions for best practice in managing a SLAA WhatsApp Group. Feedback is welcome: email